Stefanie Segmiller
Certified holistic coach
“Nobody can walk into the same river twice, everything is in flow and nothing stays the same.”
This quote by Heraclitus (greek philosopher 540-480BC) is based on the belief that change is a constant and unstoppable force in life. Everything is in flux. Nothing is standing still.
Many things we encounter on our life’s journey make us happy. Others like illness, loss or challenges in our professional or private life are more difficult – who wishes for those? But it’s those difficult phases that provide a great opportunity for our personal growth – if we don’t stand still but keep moving in the situation. The good news is: we can learn that!
As a coach (German/Spanish) I want to support you to accept changes, adjust to the flow of life and use the opportunities that arise from that for conscious growth.
I work holistically which means I look at you as a whole person.
As in humanistic psychology I see you as a unity of body, mind and spirit. In our work, we will include these three elementary levels to create balance and harmony so you can live a life full of trust, happiness and fulfilment.
In order to do that I combine the tried and tested methods of classical coaching with holistic themes.
The truth is as simple as it is beautiful: You already know the answers and solutions to all the challenges in your life. You are the expert on your life! I support you during the process of accessing your extensive knowledge.
As a coach I step with you into the river of life and accompany you along the river to a place where everything flows freely again.
I look forward to seeing you!
Please have a look at my website for more info:
GSM: 0032/472870387

Roland Wons

Ursula Stöhr
Doctor for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Cora Schieffer
Coach and Family Mediator

Stefanie Segmiller
Certified Holistic Coach